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Mission Team Information


Our Mission

Offering Faith, Hope, and Love

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13


Global perspective and engagement (Acts 1:8)

To raise the sights of our members beyond our congregation and community by developing a Biblical worldview and pray for and reference global matters.

To have identifiable pathways to support the cause of Christ globally.


Community perspective (Micah 6:8)

To reach the hurting people in our community.

To have identifiable pathways for compassion, mercy and justice ministries to take place.


Compelling Christian community (Acts 2:42-47)

We understand that our love for one another is a powerful testimony to the deity of Jesus.

We love each other as we are, not as we should be.

We share life together beyond the worship service.



To support and promote mission objectives and awareness.

To recommend relationships with Global Missionaries to the New Hope consistory and congregation.

To recommend relationships with local mission opportunities in our community.


Funding Recommendation:

Funding support would through periodic special offerings, appeals and an allocation in the church budget.


Distribution guidelines:

To follow the Classis of the Southwest approved guidelines for the allocation of mission funds which is as follows:


  • To use the “10 - 70/30 - 50/50" concept. The “10" refers to the commitment of an amount equal to 10% of the church budget for missions as a challenge goal. And is a reflection of the biblical directive of tithing to God - just as we personally are to tithe 10% of one’s income to kingdom work, so too churches can set an example by committing 10% of their budget to benevolent mission work.

  • Once the challenge mission budget amount is determined, we have taken this concept and developed from it a basic approach to guide congregations in allocating the mission budget.

    • Commit 70% of the total mission budget to local mission needs and 30% to worldwide mission need. (This is the 70/30)

    • Of the 70% local portion, the guideline is to commit half of that amount to ministry development in the local region through the Classis of the Southwest and half to other local concerns in the community where your church is located (this is the 50/50 figure).

Mission Partners



Mesa, AZ

Global Partners

Arizona Reservation Ministries

Lynn Fischer

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